a2o part of exhibition 'Open Call, 20 Years of Public Architecture'

The Flanders Architecture Institute, Team Flemish Government Architect and Ghent University are pleased to announce the opening of two new exhibitions in De Singel: Coming of Age, Architectural Competitions in Flanders and Brussels and Open Call, 20 Years of Public Architecture. Together with faces old and new, they take a retrospective look at the rich history of competition culture and cast an eye on the future.
Architecture in Flanders and Brussels has come of age and is now firmly positioned on the international stage. How crucial is the role of architectural competitions in this success story? The exhibitions Coming of Age, Architectural Competitions in Flanders and Brussels and Open Call, 20 Years of Public Architecture both shed light on 40 years of competition. Unique archival material introduces you to the iconic entries and the mechanisms behind the most high-profile competitions.
Years of Public Architecture both shed light on 40 years of competition. Unique archival material introduces you to the iconic entries and the mechanisms behind the most high-profile competitions.
We are proud to be part of this exhibition with the Flemish Administrative Centre in Hasselt, being the reason for establishing a2o back in 1999.
More info about exhibition here
More info about project Flemish Administrative Centre, Hasselt here